
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Picture this...

Using the comment section below, write a few paragraphs describing this picture. This creative writing challenge is worth $10 Melon Dollars. Be creative (wink).


  1. This man in front of me has super powers. One super power is winking at a bad guy and they turn to stone. Another one is sucking them up using supper sticky nose holes

    Jack Hufford

  2. The man in front of me is a face. He is not a normal face he is something great. behind the head there is money not normal money 300000000000000000000000000000000000,999.

    Ian Hufford

  3. The Face
    I see a face that was once a face of a superhero named Larry. He was a powerful superhero and saved the town from villains. One day Larry was walking around when he saw a black shadow watching him. he darted after the shadow and attacked it. the moment he touched it Larry turned into wood! The bad guy ran away while Larry waited and waited...
    1,000,000 years later a boy came up to Larry and kicked him. That made Larry so mad that he came to life! He flew up and attacked anybody who came near him. One day he saw the same shadow. He attacked the shadow and turned into wood again! Larry was wood forever and ever. And that is the story of Larry...

    Ethan B

  4. This is a picture of an Egyptian SuperPower Mummy. He is made of wood. Even though he looks sleepy, his eyes have powers to see through things. His coat has superpowers to turn him into fire or ice and he can breathe fire from his mouth.

    - Amar

  5. This looks like medusa's work. I Think this was a stone solder..........until medusa petrifed him.i think this would make a good story for a totem pole. to think that he was happy having a picnic until medusa came along.His lips look like he is ready to kiss Jack Hufford. This is the most interesting thing in the world[my opinion]

    melody b

  6. i think the photo is a totem pole. Probebly the native americans carved it( i studyed about totem poles in 4th

    vaishnavi d

  7. i also think it is a totem pole that can scan your eye to see if you an agent. if you are then the totem pole will open and in front of you would be a secret passage way.

    vaishnavi d

    1. I like this idea, Vaishnavi! I love stories with secret portals!

  8. This picture up there resembles a bird. In Indian epic Ramayana there is a bird called JATAYU who tries to save Sita from the evil Ravana who kidnaps her. And in the trial he gets severely wounded and fell to ground. Before dying he tells Rama the whereabouts of Sita and thus helps Rama in saving Sita.

  9. I think that this totem pole is a secret agent in disguise as a totem pole.It works for his boss to help the city from danger he stays in if people are after him to stop him from ruining their plans -Revanth

  10. I think that that picture is a guy with a big nose. He gets teased a lot and people call him names like "Big Nose Bob"
    and told him that big noses equaled big sneezes. That guy had no friends. He was really sad until there was a new guy with big ears and people called him "Big Ear Bill" and told him big ears equaled a lot of hearing thing that he shouldn't and getting yelled at. Then Obama comes and tells the people to stop calling them names. The guys with big noses or ears become friends and go together to a club called "People with Big Noses and/or Big Ears."

  11. James- I think the picture is a pole. When you look at your eyes, the statue will speak mentally to you and ask you what the password is. If you are a member, then he will let you in a room full of games. If you don't know thee password, the pole will ask you to sign up.

  12. i think this totem pole is a sylbol of an indian soilder. the totem pole is a sylbol because the soilder gaved his laned instead of doing a war. the totem pole has the soilder face.

  13. this is a picture of a guy who had a really big head and one day he swallowed a very large bug and he turned into a half human and half bug thing. because everyone was terrified of him, he moved to egypt were people were kind to him,for they knew it was not his fault. because he was part insect, he didnt live very long.when he died, the egyptians made a mummy out of him.
    It was a very unique,lurid mummy, so now it is displayed for everyone to loook at and gross out at.

    -ashritha aroun
    - ashritha aroun

  14. This is a mysterious man that was turned into a wooden decoration. He became a decoration because he was hiding from the God of Wood. The God of Wood turned this man into wood because this mysterious man offended the God of Wood. The God of Wood said, “You will now become a wooden head forever due to your ungrateful words.” The mysterious man struggled and struggled trying to free himself of this curse but could not move a muscle.
    Sometime later, the wooden man felt as if years had passed. He was in a little cabin made out of clay. He wondered how he got there. Suddenly a girl appeared at a door. She cried, “Mama, you’ve brought me a Moo Tow!” (Moo Tow means wooden head in Cantonese). So the wooden head became known as Moo Tow. The little girl loved the Moo Tow.
    The little girl had been playing with the Moo Tow for many days and nights. One day, the Moo Tow felt a tingling sensation as he wondered what the sensation was, he realized that he was being washed with a funky smelling soap. As the smell continued to fill his wooden nostrils he felt himself getting bigger and bigger and bigger, until he realized that he was a man again. The Moo Tow man wanted to leave but he knew that if the little didn’t find her Moo Tow, she would be very upset. So the Moo Tow man went into the forest, found an old musty log, and carved a head that looked like his head before became a man again. He put his carving on the little girl’s bed in the cabin and disappeared.
    The mysterious Moo Tow man learned a very important lesson – to always treat others with kindness!

    Andra M.

  15. The totem pole looks like a frozen person!Did he get his head cut of?He looks so crazy!
    Siena and Giada

  16. This stone guy looks very happy, it looks like a kind of religion. He is probably happy because their religion is always happy or he is happy for a reason like always got wanted or something like that. It would be crazy if this was a real person and it will be creepy too. I mean who would make a real persons head a statue. CREEPY AND CRAZY!

    -Queen Puppy Lover

  17. it is a statue of a persons head it has an ancient smile as if he was holding a secret it is mystive also as if something good has happened to him. i pearsonally think he is a leader or something and that is a statue of him.

  18. This is the home of Queen of Wood Fairies. When the King of Termites overthrew the wood fairies, they never wanted to hear from them again. They banished all the fairies into little wood treasure chests, except for the Queen. "You will stay in this head. May it be eaten by us some day" A few centuries later, a poor woodcutter passed the head. He had just seen the tree and had walked so long that his sweaty hands dropped his axe and split the head open. The fairy was so happy and gave the woodcutter the gift of never being poor again. But then, problems started again...


  19. this stone head is the medallion of a necklace who ever wears the necklace will have a bad day unless it is thrown into a volcano. The stone is smiling because the more people who wears the necklace the more power the stone will have. If he gets enough power he can come alive.


  20. This is a totem poll of luck .When you don't have a lot of money and you buy a lottery ticket it will tell you the right one to buy.But that's not all.The totem poll has a secret portal to an alien's secret hide out nobody knows about it .The aliens want to rule the world.
    Sam fogelson 123
