
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Not an Ordinary Wicked Witch

Dear Professor Watermelon,

I read your post on the Wicked Witch of the West, and WATER is what caused that witch's death. It simply melted her away. I should know, I was the one who killed her. But that isn't the case for this little witch. Add water and watch her grow. I thought your creative writers could use her as a MUSE.

Dorothy Gale

Dear Dorothy,
I'm so happy to receive a letter from you in our MUSEBOX. How is the Land of OZ these days? I will certainly share this little witch with my creative writers. I'm sure many stories will come of it! Tell the Scarecrow I said hello - the Tin Man and Lion, too!
With Imagination,
Professor Watermelon

Dear Creative Writers,
Did you watch Dorothy's little witch grow right before your eyes? Here is your challenge: Write through the perspective of this little witch, and tell us what she wants more than anything in the world. And how does she plan on getting it? A paragraph or two will do. This challenge is worth 20 Melon Dollars!
With Imagination,
Professor Watermelon


  1. This is the witch of the north. She is different from the witch of the west because if you dump water on her she will grow. She plans to steel what her sister the witch of the west planned to steal!

    Jack Hufford

  2. This is the witch of the north. She is different from the witch of the west. When you dump water on the witch of the north she grows if you dump water on the witch of the west she melts.

    Ian Hufford

  3. This is the witch of the north because if you pour water on the witch of the north she grows.But if you pour water on the witch of the west she melts.The witch of the west wants Dorthy's red slippers and the witch of the north wants to get her home but all of this is a dream.The witch of the west wants to trap Dorthy and take her life away to get the red slippers.The witch of the north will help her when she needs help - Revanth

  4. James- The witch wants people to pour water on the north because she will grow. She wants this to keep happening so soon, she can be free when she is human size. If you pour water on the west, she shrinks to the size of a doll until you pour more water on the north. The End

  5. that wich want to take every shoe inthe world. so she can make the red slippers. she wantes her revenge. but professor watermelon can stop her with his seed gun. the wich said this will not hurt me and professor watermelon said not if i swicht it to wet seeds mode. and the wich died and professor watermelon saved the world.

    the end.

  6. Once there was a girl named Dorothy. She had a little witch. The little witch came with a package that said “Instant Growing – Put the witch in the water, add 3 sprinkles of instant growing powder and wait for 3 minutes. Before you take the little Miss Witch out, say “Have you grown, have you grown, have you grown, little Miss Witch?”

    Dorothy did just as the instruction said. Suddenly the little Miss Witch came to life and said, “I so want to get to the Land of Oz!” Dorothy cried, “But you must stay. The Land of Oz is a terrible place because you don’t know anybody there. And plus you’re a witch. They may think that you’re bad and capture you. I do care for you so much I would never want to see you get hurt!” However, little Miss Witch said, “I’m going to the Land of Oz. No one can stop me because I have a will of my own.” Then little Miss Witch jumped out of the window on her magic broom and flew out of sight.

    By Andra M.
