
Monday, August 31, 2015

Monarch Mystery!

Monarch Butterfly on Zinnia
By: Debbie Long

Dear Creative Writers,

It is the end of Summer, and the Monarch Butterflies will soon make their LONG journey to Mexico.

But how do Monarchs even know where they are going? Scientists have been baffled by the Monarch migration for years! Why? Because the Monarchs who had traveled North are the Great-Great Grandparents of the Monarchs who will travel South. 

Did Grandma and Grandpa leave a secret map etched in the Milkweed?

Or is there an ancestral voice on the winds?

It is a MYSTERY! 

But where there is mystery, there is imagination. And where there is imagination, there is a STORY! 

Are you up for the challenge, Creative Writers?

With your imagination, solve this MONARCH MYSTERY in your own creative way. Write a story and weave the revelation in your tale. 

And if you need some inspiration, take a look at this video.  

Happy Writing,

Professor Watermelon

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