
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Runaway Sheep! Catch them with your FIVE Senses!

Hello Creative Writers!

I have another "Picture This" challenge for you! 

It is important for writers to use all five senses when they write stories. Why? Well, readers want to be transported to different places and times than what real life will allow. Since humans experience real life with all five senses, it is important for writers to describe their characters, plots, and settings with ALL five senses. Otherwise, a reader will NOT be transported properly, and they will probably stop reading your story. 

Here is your challenge. 

#1. Images often inspire ideas for stories. But images are seen, not felt, heard, smelled or tasted. Can you look at the above image and describe it with ALL five senses? Use your imagination.  

#2. Now, here is the fun part. It is time to use your sixth sense - otherwise called your "third-eye". Look at the same image and add to it. 

Do you see the space ship behind the sheep? Do you smell the fuel leaking from its engine. Why does it smell like rotten eggs? Do you hear that zapping sound? Why are the sheep disappearing into thin air? 

Sometimes, every scene will NOT contain all five senses. But where one scene lacks one or two of the senses, try to make up for it in another scene. 

Happy Writing!

Professor Watermelon

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