
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Heroes and Villains: Peter Pan and Captain Hook!

We all know J.M. Barrie's Classic story of Peter Pan. He is one of the world's MOST beloved characters. 

But why is Peter Pan SO beloved and memorable?

Is it because he can fly? Is it because he never grows up? Is it because he is brave and conquers the fearsome Captain Hook? Probably all three.

Not only did J.M Barrie create a memorable main character (protagonist), he also created one of the world's favorite villains (antagonists), Captain Hook!

As you can see, our heroes and villain must both be memorable. How is Captain Hook a memorable character? Is it because he has a hook for a hand? Is it because he is terrified by the crocodile who ate that hand?

No matter what... both characters must be driven by what they want. What does Peter Pan want? What does Captain Hook want? And How does this create a conflict? Remember, with no conflict there is NO story.

Here is your creative writing challenge: 

We all know that Peter Pan conquers Captain Hook, but WHO has turned Peter Pan into a SALT SHAKER!? 

Is there a NEW villain in Neverland? Is it a character that we already know? Is it a new character? Who is it? What does he/she/it want? 

Looks like we have a new CONFLICT! Write a couple of paragraphs explaining this dire situation! Who knows, maybe you will be inspired to write the whole story! 

Happy Writing,

Professor Watermelon 

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