
Friday, December 14, 2012

The MUSEBOX: Hide Your Walnuts!

Professor Watermelon!

Walnuts! Chestnuts! Peanuts! Hazelnuts! Almonds! Pecans! Cashews!


Boris Nutcracker

Dear Boris,

With all due respect, I don't know what to tell you. You see, the MUSEBOX is where messages and artifacts are left for my Creative Writers! If you want NUTS, I am sorry to say that you were sent to the wrong address. But I'm sure my Creative Writers will go NUTS over writing a story about you!

Ah La Peanut Butter Sandwich!

Professor Watermelon

Dear Creative Writers!

All main characters WANT something really badly, or the story they star in will simply fall short. I think we have found a great main character in Boris Nutcracker. He definitely WANTS something. Can you write a story about how he goes about getting what he wants? This Creative Writing Challenge is worth $20 Melon Dollars!

With Imagination!

Professor Watermelon

1 comment:

  1. This nut cracker wants to be human so he can explore but he never could be hung on a Christmas tree so he needed santa to give him the power

