
Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Professor Watermelon!

I am not dead! And here is my spoon to prove it! If you see my little friend, Jack, tell him that I smell the blood of an Englishman!

Fee Fi Fo Fum,

Dear Giant!

Heavens to Betsy, that's a huge spoon. You mind if I try it out? And I don't think you have to worry about Jack anymore. The last time I heard from him, he was chopping Brussels sprouts, not bean stalks.


Professor Watermelon

Dear Creative Writers

It looks like the GIANT is back! And I've got his SPOON! Don't worry, he sent it to me in the MUSEBOX. I did not steal it. I wonder if this spoon has some magic in it like the objects from the GIANT'S castle. Remember the Golden Harp and the Golden Egg Laying Goose. Can you write a few paragraphs and describe what magic this wooden spoon may have? This challenge is worth $20 Melon Dollars!

Watch out for GIANTS!

Professor Watermelon


  1. James- This wooden spoon has the power to make anything. When the spoon is put in a bowl full of dough, when you stir the dough, it magically turns the dough into bread. The wooden spoon can even do it to oranges. You say what you want to the spoon, then you stir the oranges, and you have the item that you want, like orange juice. When the spoon breaks, the magic can go to another type of spoon. The end

  2. Once upon a time, a fairy was digging through a giants garden. She dug and dug until she pulled an extremely large spoon out of the ground. The fairy was really thirsty from the find, so she wanted a drink of water. There was a tap nearby, but, she would get washed down if she tried to drink from it. So, she used the spoon. She turned the tap on and filled the spoon to its top. Then she turned the tap off and gently drank the whole spoon of water. Suddenly, she heard a roar. "FEE FI FO FUM!!!!"the giant bellowed. "Who is there to steal water from my tap???" The giant came out from his house and looked straight down at the fairy with acutely watching eyes. "A little fairy I see, your blood won't be bad for my soup appetizer tonight," the giant said. "Greetings giant, I will make a deal with you. For your "kind" hospitality, I will award you with making this spoon magic!" the fairy squeaked confidently. " Alright then," the giant said, "I'll find a human to snack on." Then the fairy turned the spoon into a magical spoon and left the giant to himself unharmed. The wooden spoon could now make any food placed on it taste absolutely wonderful, to the eaters taste. Then one day, the spoon went missing...
    -Shreya (6th)

    1. I am always impressed by your writing, Shreya! This is great!

  3. The wooden spoon is magical because a prince had this spoon in his hand. when they put a spell on the prince the spoon became magic. his mom was being mean and he chuked the spoon at his mom. were his mom was there wasn a bunny.
    his mom was furios so he went to his king and the king didnt know what to do. so he gave the price a bottle he diped it on his mom and his mom turned back but for some reason the king was now a deer.

    the end

    1. HAHA! He turned his mother into a bunny? That is so funny, Austin!

  4. The wooden spoon has the power to paralyze anything or to freeze anything.So if you say the magic words ,abara-cadabara or ala-cazam, the spell would do what you want like you can freeze a box or paralyze a snake- Revanth

  5. The spoon that the Giant sent Prof. Watermelon was magical – The spoon made everything you ate with the spoon taste good to the person who was eating. If you like chicken, everything you eat with the magic spoon tastes like chicken. If you like ice cream, everything you eat, tastes like ice cream. You get the nutrients of spinach but the taste of chocolate – pretty cool!

    Prof. Watermelon auctioned the spoon off at his creative writing class. The student who won it accidentally dropped it on the road and Steve (some guy) picked it up and took it home. It took a while for Steve and his family to figure out the magical powers of the spoon but now, meal time was so much fun. One weekend, Steve invited a lot of friends to his house for dinner. He brought out the magic spoon and everyone loved the food. Problem was everyone wanted to eat at the same time. So they started grabbing the spoon and taking it away from each other. In all the fighting, the spoon broke and now everyone was stuck with yucky food. Morale of the story – take turns instead of fighting!

    - Amar

  6. This spoon has the power of poetry,it's pretty reasonable since this woooden spoon was crafted by Willam Shakespear. when the wooden spoon senses that you have a passion for writing or ryming it will be under your control,but let's say that you want to make a cake.You can make the spoon make a cake in 2 ways the 1st way is when you ryhme the comanned for the spoon the make the cake, for example wooden spoon do as I say, make me a cake right now,today or you could just write it then balance it on the handle and then just chuck the spoon then the paper will fly over the spoon, so the spoon will do your comanned

    1. I wish I knew who wrote this! I love the connection to William Shakespear! (Smiling)

  7. This wooden spoon has the power of poetry because it read so many poems from Shell Sliverstein to Shakespear.So oviously you must tell the spoon what you what in a ryhming poem.If you don't then the spoon will turn into a fork and will never grant you a single wish ever again.The wooden spoon can be found in the gaints flush tank, but don't worry the spoon comes in different sizes like dwarf size,human size and gaint size.So next time you climb the brusselsprout stalk be sure to ask the gaint for the wooden spoon.

    1. The giant spoon - By Ritika

      Once upon a time, their lived a girl named Aleena. She loved chicken noodle soup. One day she was going to the store with her dad and her brother PJ. When they got to the store, they immediately went to the chicken noodle aisle. When they got there next to the chicken noodle soup aisle there was a giant wooden spoon. It was so big that it could not fit in Aleena's mouth. She said "Daddy, can we get it please?". Dad said, "No darling not today maybe some other time". Aleena burst into tears. Everyone was staring at them so Dad let her buy the spoon. Aleena stopped crying. They continued shopping. After they were all done they went home and Aleena showed her mom the new giant spoon.

      They were having chicken noodle soup for dinner that night and Aleena wanted to use her new giant spoon. The soup so hot that it cracked the spoon. Aleena was miserable! For the next few days Aleena was very upset. She would not listen to anything her parents asked her to do. One night, Aleena's mom and dad were planning for Aleena's 5th birthday. Her father remembered that Aleena's favorite wooden spoon had broken and suggested that they could buy her a new one as a birthday gift from the family. On the day of her birthday Aleena had a great party. All of her friends showed up. When it was time open presents she opened the one that her family gave first. And guess what! She got a brand new giant wooden spoon. Aleena screamed! She was so happy.

  8. Once there was a silver spoon that could make a buffet appear! One day Annie was making a cake and she was looking for a spoon to stir the batter when she saw something sparkling...

    ... a silver spoon!!! Annie wanted to tell her sister Eleanor, but Annie knew that Eleanor would tell their parents. Annie decided to tell her best friend Rebecca. The next day at school Annie told Rebecca that she found a magic spoon, because Rebecca kept asking what it did Annie told Rebecca that she could come to her house that day.

    When the two girls were at Annie`s house Rebecca kept on making fuge and cheese cake. When Rebecca had to go she took the fuge and cheese cake with her. Then Annie made brownies, cake, and fuge for the school bake sale. Annie won the bake sale and got $400.

    1. I would LOVE to have a spoon like the spoon in your story! Great Job!

  9. This spoon has the power to provide any amount of food you want even if your bowl is empty! All you need to say is “Spoon, please give me more food.” And then the food you want appears. The spoon knows what kind of food you can eat and you can’t eat. If you wish for junk food more than 3 times a day you will lose this magical spoon. So Professor Watermelon you better watch out.

    The spoon can disguise itself as any kind of silverware it wants. No one knows where it is so it can’t be stolen. If you’re starving this magic spoon will automatically come to you. If you drop the spoon by accident, the spoon will clean itself if it gets dirty. When the spoon is exhausted from providing food, it calls its brother folk to help out so the spoon can take a break.

    If you asked for more food than you can eat, the spoon will take the food away and will eliminate the magic for rest of the day. But if you’ve overestimated the amount of food you can get because you were too hungry, the spoon will just take the food away and still let you keep the magic for the day. When you use 3 wishes wisely the spoon will grant you a treat that you will never forget.

    By Andra M.

  10. one day there was a spoon in spoon land. he loved eating. then a evil wizard named garbargesmell. he lived in demon castle.
    the spoon traveled to demon castle. so he went and shoot ice cream at his face. garbargesmell got mad. he shoot a spell and traped the spoon. but the spell was to powerful and garbargesmell died. they all lived happy.

  11. This giant spoon had magical powers it could cook anything you like in 6 sec. You don't even need supplies or anything you just get a pot or a pan and put the spoon in it then you ask the spoon to cook something then you say the magic word. You will only know the magic word if you own the giant spoon.

    -Queen Puppy Lover

  12. This spoon is a magic wand it can grant wishes and turn things magical. It will turn a wizard into a normal person and same with a witch.

