
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

MUSEBOX: A different kind of STALK to climb!

Dear Professor Watermelon,

I saw this growing in my mother's garden, and I thought of you and your creative writers. Do you know what it is? Could you imagine if this Brussels Sprout Stalk grew as big as my bean stalk? Whoa! I wonder if it would take us to the same GIANT'S castle?

Hope you have fun with this!

With sincere MAGIC BEANS,


Dear Jack!

Thank you so much for the Brussels Sprout Stalk. My creative writers are going to LOVE this. By the way, do you still have the four beans that didn't grow?

With Imagination,

Professor Watermelon

Dear Creative Writers,

Have you ever seen Brussels Sprouts on their stalk? Well, I found one in our MUSEBOX from Jack. You remember Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk, right? What if this Brussels Sprout Stalk grew to the clouds? Where would it take your main character? This Creative Writing Challenge is worth $20 Melon Dollars! You can either write your paragraphs in the comment section below or bring it with you to Creative Writing Club! Have fun!

With Imagination,

Professor Watermelon


  1. I think Jack would climb up that brussel sprout and get to the castle in Jack and the beanstalk.But the only thing is the giant can't talk.So the giant can't call his gaurds. He may also catch Jack but, since Jack is fast the giant may not catch Jack- Revanth

    1. I'm so happy that you found my blog, Revanth! Good job with your MUSEBOX entry! See you on Wednesday!

  2. what if a beanstalk grew to the clouds and took the main character to the end of the world but first they had to survive a kraken a ghoul and a zues.

    1. Austin! You found my blog! YAY! And great job with your MUSEBOX entry!

  3. What if instead of a castle and a giant at the top, you found an EPIC!!!! theme park filled with water-slides and the most awesome bouncy-trampoline!!!!
    -Shreya (6th)

  4. I think the Brussels sprout stalk would take jack to a portal that would open to a world of blocks.

    Inspired by Minecraft

    Nic Schmitt

  5. Beanstalk to Great Wolf Lodge

    Freddie was camping in the woods with his parents and went exploring by himself. He suddenly saw a nice looking beanstalk and started climbing it. The more he climbed, the taller it became. He kept climbing and it got taller and taller and finally stopped when it reached the clouds. That’s when Freddie saw a huge door with a sign over it that said ‘The Great Wolf Lodge.’ Freddie had been to the Great Wolf waterpark near Seattle and really liked it so he went in to see what this one was like.

    The Great Wolf Lodge Waterpark looked very similar to what Freddie had visited it in Seattle – it had the same rides but they went to different places. The ‘Howlin’ Tornado’ took you to a place in the world where a real tornado was happening. The ‘River Canyon Run’ ride took you to the ocean floor and back. The ‘Alberta Falls’ ride went into Space and back. The MagiQuest game was a little different too – instead of waving wands at TV screens, you had to fight real dragons, beat the bad guys and bring back diamonds that they had stolen. Freddie had a ton of fun and after a dip in the ‘South Hot Springs’, climbed down the beanstalk and walked back to his parents.

    Where have you been Freddie? And How come you got so wet, it isn’t even raining. But Freddie wouldn’t tell.

    - Amar

    1. Amar! I love that your MUSE here was the Great Wolf Lodge, and you tied it very nicely to this challenge! Way to go!

  6. The Brussel sprout stalk would take Jack to the Super Bowl. Jack would root for the jets because it starts with his favorite letter J and because his name.Jack would look at the score. OH NO! The Jets were losing 14 0. They were vs the carndilas.Jack said lets go Jets and put a spell on the field. The carndinals tripped over sprinklers 3 times JETS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  7. what if a beanstalk grew to the clouds and took jack to a professor watermelon theme park. he went to a watermelon eating constest first. then he went on the spittey seed rollacoaster. he almost went blank right when he woke up. he was amazed he dreamed about that. then he went to sleep.

    the end
    or is it.

  8. james The Brussel sprouts would take Jack to the clouds. He found a castle and went inside. He found many goodies and gold. He became really rich.

  9. James the brussel sprouts would take me to a park. The stalk would fly like a dragon and take me everywhere. When I am done traveling, it will sprout down until another day.

  10. James the bean stalk would take Professor Watermelon to watermelon land. He would have all the watermelons in the world. Then he would be full and go to another fruit land.
