
Monday, May 16, 2011


Sunflowers have been my MUSE since childhood. And I think I know why…

The first time I planted a sunflower seed, I watched the plant grow to over twelve feet tall. And the blossom was the size of a steering wheel. This was a true GIANT, and I was hooked. I have planted at least one sunflower every year since.
Not only is the sunflower’s size fascinating, they are also beautiful. Their colors range from the deepest oranges to the palest yellows. Some grow only two feet tall, while others truly reach for the sky.
Here are some more AMUSING facts!
Sunflowers are native to North America.
The tallest sunflower was grown in the Netherlands. It reached over 25 feet tall.
One sunflower plant can provide over 2,000 seeds. These seeds are used for snacking, birdseed, and sunflower oil production.
The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas and the national flower of Russia. Russia produces the most sunflowers in the world.
A sunflower’s blossom will follow the sun as it travels across the sky. This is called heliotropism.
 With that new knowledge, what kind of story could you write? Maybe these “what if” questions will help you get started.
What if Jack planted a magic sunflower seed instead of a magic bean?
What if we found crop circles in Russia’s sunflower fields?
What if little elves built a city in your sunflower garden?
The possibilities are endless! And please leave your own “what if” questions in the comment section below. I’d love to see what you come up with.
Grab a cup of hot cocoa, a piece of paper and a pencil, and let’s begin. With your imagination, we can go anywhere! I look forward to seeing where you take us!
With Imagination,
Prof. Watermelon
P.S. The word of the week is "Heliotropism". Here is the definition: The growth of plants or plant parts (especially flowers) in response to the stimulus of sunlight, so that they turn to face the sun.


  1. I am LOVING this blog, Chadwick! I especially love how you are mixing a love of nonfiction and curiosity about real-world facts with stimulating the imagination and seeing where it might take you. Thanks for giving us a unique and wonderful landing spot on the web! =D

  2. Thank you, Professor Watermelon! I love sunflowers, too, and was so excited when my seeds sprouted and reached for the orb in the sky. Unfortunately, I did not know this fun fact: squirrels LOVE to eat sunflowers just as they sprout their buds. Sigh ... maybe next year. What if eating sunflowers gave squirrels magical powers?

  3. Love this post. My daughter once planted a seed not knowing exactly what it was. It grew and grew and grew and it was huge before we realized it was a sunflower. Your ideas also reminded me that my grandmother used to have sunflowers planted along the wall of her house and how much I loved them when I was a little girl.

  4. Laurie: Thank you for that. You made my day! HUG!

    Trudi: I love your "what if" question. And let me know if it turns into a story. I'm glad you joined in. (smiling)

    Jennifer: I think it is important that we share sunflowers with children, just like your grandma did. They are truly magical. Do you think you could turn this memory into a story somehow?

  5. What if sunflowers invaded the earth? What if a sunflower could grow a million feet tall? What if sunflowers took the place of people? What if sunflowers were so tall they blocked out the sun? What if pizza had sunflower seeds as a topping? What if you could make a hat out of a sunflower?

    Chris and Mike Robinson

  6. what if a sunflower grew as tall as the world? what if a sun flower followed the shade? what is sunflowers were as stiff as trees? what if sunflowers were carnivouros plants? what if you grew a sunflower with magic inside its seeds? what if a sunflower wore an imagination cap? what if there was sunflower juice? what if there was a cross between sunflower seeds an peanuts? what if sunflowers floated up into space and revolved around the sun? what if things were woven out of sunflower seed shells? what if sunflowers had wooden petals? what if sunflowers grew from stones? what if honey was made out of sunflowers? what if sunlight that touched a sunflower turned into liquid gold? what if juice from sunflower stems cured cancer? what if there was sunflower ink? what if your roof was made out of woven sunflowers? what if sun flowers walked twoards the sun? what if paper was made out of sunflower petals? what if sun flowers could fly? what if sunflowers had roots so long that they came out of the other side of the earth? what if metal was made out of sunflower stems?


  7. What if sunflowers ate bookworms?
    What if sunflowers were carnivorous?
    What if sunflowers rode horses?
    What if sunflowers drew pictures?
    What if sunflowers could fly?
    What if sunflowers ate paprika?
    What of sunflowers had mommies like you and me?
    What if sunflowers watched the History channel?
    What if sunflowers crawled inside your ears?
    What if sunflowers had blankies?
    What if sunflowers liked to read the Peanuts comic?
    What if sunflowers gave you manicures. . . for free? Cooooool.
    What if sunflowers went to bed at 2:00 in the morning?
    What if sunflowers liked watermelon?
    What if sunflowers were actually called Indiana bats?
    What if sunflowers had stinky dog breath like Willy?
    What if sunflowers liked tummy rubs like Willy does?
    Wnat if sunflowers had boyfriends and girlfriends?
    What if sunflowers surfed?
    What if sunflowers wore tuxedos?
    What if sunflowers danced in recitals?
    What if sunflowers were as tired as I am? Goodnight!!

  8. what if a sunflower could cook what if a sunflower could swim what if a sunflower could play soccer what if a sunflower could go fishing what if a sunflower was alive what if a sunflower could teach what if a sunflower drank tea what if a house was made out of sunflowers what if books were made out of sunflowers what if paper was made out of sunflowers what if the computer was made out of sunflowers what if a hat was made of sunflowers what if the trashcan was made out of sunflowers what if the printer was made out of sunflower? what if the telephone was made out of sunflower? What if the computer was made out of sunflower? what if the bookworm was made out of sunflower? what if the clock was made out of sunflower? what if the lamp was made out of sunflower? what if the the doll was made out of sunflower? What if sunflowers were hanging down from the sky? What if sunflower was a tasty food item? what if the sunflower was a pet? What if the chair was made out of sunflower? what if the door was made out of sunflower? what if the closet was made out of sunflower? what if the kitchen was made out of sunflower? what if the pantry was made out of sunflowers? what if the basket was made out of sunflowers? what if the freezer was made out of sunflower? what if the dishwasher was made out of sunflower? what if the washing machine was made out of sunflower? what if clothes were made out of sunflower? what if the windows were made out of sunflower? what if the bed was made out of sunflowers? what if the sink was made out of sunflowers? what if the table was made out of sunflowers? what if the water was made out of sunflowers? what if the paper towel was made out of sunflower? what if the cabinets were made out of sunflowers? what if the chairs were made out of sunflower? what if the baby diapers were made out of sunflower? what if the moon was made out of sunflower? what if the clouds were made out of sunflower? what if the lights were made out of sunflower? what if the clipstand was made out of sunflower? what if ink was made out of sunflower? what if the earrings were made out of sunflower? what if the stuffed animals were made out of sunflowers? what if the dinosaurs were made out of sunflower? what if the telescope was made out of sunflower? what if the phone was made out of sunflower?

  9. what if the sunflowers were chefs? what if sunflowers were fifty feet tall? what if sunflowers could walk and talk? what if a telescope was made up of sunflowers? what if sunflowers could own a store? what if stuffed animals were stuffed with sunflower petals? what if there were sunflower chips? what if sunflowers ate bugs? what if sunflowers could laugh? what if sunflowers could build houses? what if sunflower seeds were sprinkled on icecream? what if a sunflower wrote my what if questions? what if sunflowers went to camp? what if sunflowers went to professor watermelon's blog? what if sunflower crocheted hats? what if sunflowers wore clothes? what if sunflowers could fly? what if sunflowers did karate? what if sunflowers danced? what if sunflowers did the hula dance? what if sunflower drank ice tea?what if sunflowers had brains? what if sunflower heads were couches? what if sunflowers wrote a letter to the president? what if the sunflower the name of native american tribe? what if a sunflower had a blog?what if sunflowers could make ink? what if sunflowers were used to make lead? what if sunflower seeds were used on headbands? what if sunflowers could tap dance? What if a sunflower drove a car? what if a sunflower made a card? what if a sunflower had long hair? what if sunflowers drank water? what if sunflowers played flute? what if sunflowers ate watermelon? what if sunflowers combed your hair? what if sunflowers slept on a bed? what if sunflowers ate pasta? what if sunflowers wore a crown? what if sunflowers brushed? what if sunflowers had babies? What if sunflowers had a diary? what if sunflowers went to orlando on a vacation? what if sunflowers ate tacos? what if sunflowers had a computer? what if electricity was produced by sunflowers? what if I was made out of sunflowers? by Janvi

  10. what if sunflowers were chefs? what if sunflowers could fly? what if sunflowers read books to you at bedtime? what if sunflowers celebrated birthdays?what if sunflowers girlfriends and boyfriends? what if I was made out of sunflowers? what if sunflowers ate tacos? what if sunflowers had babys? what if sunflowers slept with you at night? what if sunflowers had a kind of diary? what if sunflowers played flute? what if sunflowers had long hair? what if did karte? what if sunflowers did the hula? what if sunflowers ate profeeser watermelon? what if sunflowers had 17 petels? what if sunflowers went surfing? what if made a card for your birthday? what if sunflowers slept on a bed? what if sunflowers brushred? what if sunflowers had teeth? what if sunflowers checked your mail? what if

  11. what if sunflowers drank milk what if jack had a sunflower insiead of a beanstalk what if a sunflower went to Asia what if sunflower was a flavor of an icing what if sunflowers made ice cream what if sunflowers what if sunflower was your mailman what if a sunflower only bloomed when it went to bloomingtin what if a sunflower was a rockstar what if a sunflower was called a sunflower because it had sun rays what if a sunflower was a hair stylist what if a sunflower was a policeman what if sunflowers needed haircuts what fi sunflowers made brownies what if sunflower could to summer saults what if sunflowers were your frienddwhat if sunflowers had names what if sunflowers were preadators what fi sunflowers cleaned your house what if sunflowers could type fast what if sunflowers came to London for vacation what if sunflowers typed their whole life what if sunflowers painted nails what what if sunflowers could sing what if sunflowers could make buildings what if sunflowers were native american what if a sunflower was president what if a sunflower was a car mechanic what if a sunflower was your cousin what if a sunflower was a kind of fish what if a sunflower went shopping what if a sunflower was your dad


  12. What if a sunflowers drank bold?
    What if a sunflower was a tree?
    What if any sunflower had a baby?
    What if a sun flower lived for 100 years?
    What if an sun flower could fly in the sky?
    What if sunflowers could talk?
    What if a sunflower had homework?
    What if a sunflower was a rock?
    What if a sunflower played video games?

  13. What if sun flowers birnd your hand if you tuched it
