
Monday, March 16, 2015

Leprechauns and FISH Tanks?

Dear Creative Writers!

I went to feed my goldfish this morning, and look at what I found! A LEPRECHAUN!

What is he doing in my fish tank? Is he hiding his gold? Is he talking to the GOLDfish? What are they talking about?

I bet your imagination is going WILD! Can you take it from here and write a story?

Here are some more things to think about: Who is the main character in your story? The leprechaun? The goldfish?

What is your main character's name, and what do they want more than anything? Who is trying to keep him/her from getting it?

Good luck,

Professor Watermelon

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The KEY tooooooooo.........

Dear Creative Writers,

LOOK at what I found in the MUSEBOX! This is already no ordinary key. First of all, look at the quarter. Now, look at the key. It's HUGE compared to that little coin.

As a professor of MUSEOLOGY, I love to help creative writers turn these MUSES into stories. Below you will find a series of questions that are sure to help you uncover some fascinating ideas.

What is this key's value? You can think of this in at least three ways:
1. What is the key's monetary (money) value? 
2. What is the key's sentimental value? 
3. What is the key's magical value? 

If your imagination is not satisfied, try imagining this MUSE in a different size, color or formation? For example, maybe the key is teeny-tiny. Or maybe the key is GOLD. Or maybe the key is alive and can walk and talk.

Did this help you uncover a more exciting idea? 

Great! Now, start building your story. Let's say your idea is this: What if there are giant keys that are alive and can walk and talk? 

How does this idea lend to the setting of the story? 

My example: I imagine a haunted castle with a cupboard of giant keys.  

How does this idea lend itself to the characters of the story? 

My example: This is no ordinary cupboard of keys. A giant lives in this castle, and he commands his walking-talking giant keys to open and close doors for him.  

How does the idea lend itself to the plot of the story?

My example: The keys are upset with how they are treated by the giant. He never polishes them or treats them with respect. So, one evening when the giant is sleeping in his bedroom, the keys lock him inside. How will the giant get out? Will he make a mends with the keys? Or is he locked inside FOREVER???

This idea still needs a lot of work, but I have a direction for my story. Re-imagining the first three questions will help with this, too? 

Now, it's your turn!  

Happy Writing!

Professor Watermelon