
Thursday, July 24, 2014

MUSEBOX: Meet my Little Friend!

Dear Creative Writers,

It is my pleasure to introduce you to my little grasshopper friend. Isn't he the dandiest bug you've ever seen?

My friend is looking for adventure! Can you give him a name and send him on a quest?

I look forward to seeing where your imagination takes our little grasshopper.

With Imagination,

Professor Watermelon

P.S. Remember, all quests have a goal in mind. And many complications are faced before reaching this goal. What is the grasshoppers goal? Who is standing in his way? Good luck!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

MUSEBOX: Look at the puppy in the ripples!

Dear Creative Writers!

Look at the fancy haired puppy that I found in the ripples. What is it doing? Why is it sitting in the water?

All good stories have a conflict! Can you create a conflict with the visual clues that you see in this photo? Write a few sentences describing this conflict.

Here are some hints: Give this dog a name. What does the dog want more than anything right now. Who is keeping this dog from getting what it wants.

Good Luck and Happy Writing!

With Imagination,

Professor Watermelon